mobile museum of art - search results
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Our Cuban Connection
A cast bronze statue of Frenchman Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville stands in Mobile’s Cooper Riverside Park, serenely facing the port of the...
Campsite Eats
Camping can be one of the great joys of living in the South – even if it’s simply spending the night in a tent...
Nature’s Playground
The Statue of Liberty of the Gulf Coast. That’s what Fairhope artist Dean Mosher calls a 42-foot-tall sculpture that stands as the new...
Losing the Last Appomattox
The house is for sale today, listed on the market next to any starter home in Midtown or split-level ranch in a...
Boogie on the Bay
Cicero, the Roman author and philosopher (106 - 43 B.C) noted: “No sober person dances.” Cicero would have been right at...
Bon Temps on Canvas
Dauphin Island watercolorist Linda Miller vividly remembers the day she attended her first Mardi Gras parade. The year was 2000. “Children and adults...
Spotlight: A Comic Cowboy
Since 1884, the Comic Cowboys of Wragg Swamp have brought political satire and cultural humor to Mobile’s Mardi Gras experience. The group...
Ask McGehee: Who was Sidney McCall?
Over its long history, Mobile has established a reputation for producing talented and successful writers. As the 19th century progressed, there...
Restoration Wish List
Mobile has made tremendous progress on the historic-preservation front in recent years. The Battle House, the GM&O Railroad Building, the Protestant Children's Home and...
Where to Honeymoon When
JANUARY Just a few hours north, Birmingham, Ala., puts you in touch with nature. See the state in a new...