Video: How to Style a Large Outdoor Coffee Table

Exterior designer Catherine Arensberg shares tips and tricks for styling your coffee table (while still leaving room to prop your feet!)

Lately I’ve seen so many photos of styled coffee tables jam-packed with stuff that look beautiful in pictures, but are impractical in real life living situations. Where is there room for, say… A CUP OF COFFEE? And where can I prop up my feet?

I don’t know about you, but I don’t live my life like a styled photo shoot, so I want to show you how to style your coffee table for real people who live in real houses, but still make it look beautiful. I break down each element of the design, show you why it works, how to scale it to the size of your table, and yep, there is still room for you to prop up your feet and set down your drink.

Catherine Arensberg is an exterior designer who specializes in finding ways to create your ultimate outdoor space, no matter the budget. Learn more here:

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