Video: Planting Design 101

Exterior designer Catherine Arensberg walks you through the planting design process step-by-step so you can set your landscaping goals in motion.

Quarantine has been a huge change for every single one of us, and I, for one, am taking time to learn new skills and get things done around the house that I’ve been putting off for a really long time.

Many professionals are teaching classes online to help you pass the time in a constructive way, and I thought adding planting design class to your possible repertoire would be great for so many of you!

Exterior design is a large subject to cover, so I decided to start with the basics: planting design 101. Through a series of four videos, I guide you through the process of designing your front or back yard residential planting plan.

I think you’ll find the hints and tips helpful when looking at how to design your space, and take some of the confusion out of how the process works. Best of all, you’ll come out of quarantine with a landscape plan you completed yourself!

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Catherine Arensberg is an exterior designer who specializes in finding ways to create your ultimate outdoor space, no matter the budget. Learn more here:

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