Engagement Date
January 19, 2024
Wedding Date
April 6, 2024
Ceremony & Reception Location
Nate & Delaney’s home on Dog River | Mobile, AL
How They Met
Delaney and Nate met in Fall 2022 while living in North Carolina. Delaney was pursuing her PhD in Philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Nate was living near the Research Triangle Park. The pair’s first date was in Downtown Durham, NC. They fell in love while exploring the NC Triangle, fly fishing in the mountains of Virginia, and traveling to Alabama.
How He Proposed
Nate proposed on a mountainside in Virginia’s George Washington National Forest, with snow falling all around. They were on the way up to Snowshoe, WV, for a ski trip with friends to celebrate Nate’s birthday. Thanks to the National Radio Quiet Zone ban on cell service in the area, Delaney and Nate had to wait all weekend to share the happy news with their families until they came down from the mountains.
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