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Mike, Judson, Michael + Richard Sanders

Brothers Mike Sanders and Judson Sanders say that they have grown to look more alike with age, while Mike’s sons Michael and Richard would say the same about themselves. In social situations, there’s often confusion. Richard says, “Most people get our names wrong — even our dad. But, on a couple occasions when our entire family has been out together, someone has walked by me and said ‘Hey Michael’ and as he continued walking past, he saw my brother and again said ‘Hey Michael.’ The confusion on his face was priceless.” The same happens to the elder brothers; they’ve learned to smile, say hello and let it go. 


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Mary Ann McConnell, Ashley, Abby + Anna Bledsoe

“My dad always says, ‘The twins look just like you at that age, ’” says Ashley Bledsoe about her identical daughters, Abby and Anna. “And, aunts and uncles all refer to them as ‘clones of Ashley, ’” she laughs alongside her mother, Mary Ann McConnell,  who bears the same signature olive complexion and dark hair.


Lisa Holmes, Kayla Quint + Addie Grace Blackwell

ABOVE LEFT “People always think we’re sisters, ” says Kayla Quint. “Which is a great thing for me!” chimes in her mother Lisa Holmes. Kayla jokingly refers to her 6-year-old daughter Addie Grace as her “mini me, ” but, she adds, “Addie Grace definitely shares the same smile and eyes that my mom had when she was her age.”

Sherri Bumpers + Jaiden Rollins

ABOVE RIGHT “Everyone says we have the same big smile, ” mom Sherri Bumpers shares about the common characteristics between her and her 11-year-old son Jaiden. He adds, “I think we have the same nose, and everyone always thinks she’s my sister!”

Frances + Marie Katz,  Ann Dueitt

“My mom, my daughter and I all share the same pug nose. As a child, I hated it. I tried taping it down, sleeping on top of it -— anything to make it ‘normal, ’” says Marie Katz. “My dad always told me that one day I’d appreciate it. When I was pregnant with my son Bennett — and then again with my daughter Frances — the ultrasound profiles revealed that they both had my nose; it took me seeing my children with the same feature to understand what my dad meant.” 

ABOVE “Marie and Frances definitely have the same bubbly, fun personality, and I used to be more like that, but this age thing is getting in the way, ” laughs Ann Dueitt. 

Do you and your family look just alike, too? Share your own photos this month on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #MBminimes.

text by Lawren Largue • photos by Matthew Coughlin

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