The Foy Field Dog trial, which took place in Mobile County, is estimated to have occurred sometime during the 1920s. The group of men in the above photograph are participating in a fox hunt field trial, where their dogs compete against each other and are judged on their ability to hunt and locate the game. According to the notes on the back of the photograph, P. D. Beville sponsored this particular trial, which most likely took place in his 150-acre pecan orchard near Grand Bay. Field trials in Alabama typically begin in October and continue through March. According to this year’s Wildlife Management Area’s guidelines for the Grand Bay area, hunters are allowed to use appropriate ammunition, but no dogs, when fox hunting, and can only fox hunt during daylight hours.
Notes on the back of the photo indicate that the men nearest to the camera, from right to center, are:
– P. D. Beville, sponsor of the field trials
– L. G. Adams, president of the Mobile Auto Club
– Bob Goode, who ran for governor of Alabama
– Mr. Culpepper, Adams’ brother-in-law
– William Tunstall
The man holding dog 126’s leash is said to be Dr. C. C. Purdue. The man between Culpepper and Tunstall is unidentified.
By the Numbers
The number of fox species found in Alabama. The species are the red fox and gray fox. While the red fox is more common, the two are similar in size and weight.
America’s first recorded field trial was held during this year. It was based near Memphis, Tennessee, and the winner was a solid black native setter called Knight.
9,000 Acres
The acreage of pecan orchards across Alabama. The state is one of the 15 states to produce pecans commercially. Alabama has pecan orchards in 30 counties, with the highest concentration in Baldwin and Mobile counties.
The average price of a man’s overcoat in the early 1920s. They were often tweed, corduroy or wool in the chillier months. 1920s men considered hunting a social sport and dressed accordingly.
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