Honor, character and respect are timeless prerequisites for high achievement. At UMS-Wright, we take an all-encompassing approach to developing individualized character in each and every student. The unwavering focus on advancing generations in the areas of mind, body, spirit and character helps our students uncover their highest potential and reach new heights.
Founded in 1893 by Dr. Julius T. Wright, UMS-Wright has provided the Gulf Coast community with the highest quality of education for 128 years. Dr. Wright said “the school and every auxiliary of the school must keep in mind that now abideth mind, body, and spirit, these three; but the greatest of these is spirit.” The spirit at UMS-Wright has withstood the test of time, and when we think about the spirit of our school, truth and courage are two characteristics that have sustained us.
What sets UMS-Wright Above & Beyond other schools?
The storied history of UMS-Wright, the rigor of our academic programs, the competitiveness of our athletic programs, the exceptional performances of our arts programs that span from grades K3-12, our gifted teachers, and our secure campus set us apart. Every school has bricks and mortar but it is UMS-Wright’s spirit that makes us truly special, and you feel that very spirit from the moment you enter our campus.
What is the mission of UMS-Wright?
“For the UMS-Wright family to educate all students to their highest potential in mind, body, and spirit; and to produce in each student character of the highest possible order.”
UMS-Wright Preparatory School
65 Mobile Street // 251-479-6551 // ums-wright.org