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Tag: Literature

The Leftovers Lowdown

“Waste not, want not” applies to Thanksgiving leftovers, too.

Always an Artist

After discouraging experiences in her younger years and subsequent self-doubt, one author rediscovers her passion for visual media.

Not Smart

As the first day of school approaches, one local author explores the difference between scholarly and smart.

Humor in the Heat of the Moment

Beating the heat gets a lot easier with an idiom or two in hand.

Sook and Sarah

Truman Capote’s writing resurrects memories of those dearly missed.

Roy Hoffman and ‘The Promise of the Pelican’

The Mobile native discusses his new novel, set in Fairhope, the diverse cultures of the South and the “myriad impressions” that go into his creative process writing fiction.

Book Excerpt – The Gulf of Mexico: A Maritime History

In a sampling from his newest book, local author and MB contributor John Sledge tells the tale of a German submarine attack on a ship headed for Mobile.

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