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Tom McGehee

Tom McGehee

Ask McGehee: What is the history of Mobile’s Lafayette Hotel?

Explore the rich history of Mobile's Lafayette Hotel, from hosting a Revolutionary War hero to its transformation into a newspaper office and later a popular café before its demise in a 1953 fire.

Ask McGehee: When did Mobile have a red light district?

The rise and fall of Mobile’s red light district from its origins to its 1918 prohibition.

Ask McGehee: Is there a famous racehorse buried in Magnolia Cemetery?

Unraveling the mystery of a legendary racehorse in Mobile’s historic Magnolia Cemetery.

Ask McGehee: Who was Wilmer, Alabama, named after?

Wilmer, Alabama, named after a notable bishop, holds an intriguing historical legacy.

Serving the Table — Bellingrath Style 

The etiquette guide and formal entertaining profile of one of the Mobile area’s most prominent families.

Ask McGehee: What was the cause of the great explosion in Mobile at the end...

Although the war had ended with Mobile largely unscathed, that all changed at 2:15 p.m. on May 26, 1865. An explosion larger than any imagined during the wars rocked the city.

Ask McGehee: What is the history of Mobile’s old Spanish Guard Tower?

Explore the fascinating history of Mobile's Old Spanish Guard Tower, from its origins as a jailhouse to its iconic role as a symbol of vigilance and justice in the city's development.

Ask McGehee: What was the Hannan Home for the Aged?

In 1901, Major Patrick C. Hannan funded the creation of a “Home for the Aged and Infirm in charge of the Little Sisters of the Poor.” A historic home on Monterey Street termed “the old Roberts homestead” was purchased along with 15 acres of land.

Ask McGehee: I read that plans call for the demolition of the R. V....

He was general manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, a member of the Interstate Commerce Commissioner, a three-term city commissioner and mayor of Mobile.

Ask McGehee: Who was the Saenger behind Mobile’s Saenger Theatre?

Brothers Julian and Abe Saenger established the Saenger Amusement Company in Shreveport, Louisiana, in 1910.

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