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Tag: July 2014

Guilt-free Gourmet

Eating healthy. When you hear this phrase, what comes to mind? Calories? Carbs? The doughnut you’d like to be eating instead? Although the definition is different for...

Natural Selections: Sarracenia leucophylla

Pretty, sweet and surprisingly diabolical, pitcher plants are nature’s own tricky kind of fly trap, with a hearty diet of insects and the occasional small...

The New Old Point Clear

I suddenly find myself at the age where I’m telling my kids “how it used to be when I was growing up.” I remember when my father and grandfather...

Restaurant Review: The Noble South

Chris Rainosek and Robert Yarbrough, the foodies behind one of Fairhope’s favorite restaurants, The Wash House, are  bringing an enthusiasm for innovative locally-sourced dishes to a...

Resale Revival

TIP 1: Pick classic, structured pieces and have them tailored to fit you. Because consignment shops are so affordable, you can splurge on alterations so that your clothes...

Between You and Meme

Fabulous food is a family tradition for Meme Inge. Now, at the age of 27, she has set up shop in New Orleans where she has...

Touched by Art

Ricky Trione wears an apron with the inspirational verse, “Walk by faith, not by sight.” The same applies to his painting. Trione is blind. However, ...

Night in the Tropics

The days are hard enough, but Lord, the nights. The sleepless nights, when the bed feels hot and close, and your legs ache, and...

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